How to Become a HungryPanda Rider

To register, ensure you have a compliant vehicle, meet the age criteria, and submit the required documents. Requirements differ by city and local laws.

Riders EN

01. Age

Delivery partners must be 18 years old or above.


02. Visa

Applicants must hold a valid visa that allows legal work in the local area
(Subclass 600 tourist visa is currently not accepted.)


03. Vehicle (Motorized)

1. Hold a valid Australian driver's license within its expiration date.
OR Hold a valid complete overseas driver's license.
Attach a certified translation of the overseas driver's license through NATTI certification. Specific requirements may vary by state.
2.Vehicle registration (rego) and third-party insurance (ctp) must both be valid and up to date.

04. Online Application

Download the DeliveryPanda driver application
from Google Play or Apple App Store.


05. Complete Application

We require copies of personal documents, such as passport signature page,
Australian visa grant letter page, driver's license page, among others.


06. Start Delivering

After submitting all necessary documents and passing the verification process, you can schedule and attend training within 1-7 days.
Once training is completed successfully, you can start earning money.


Applicants must be at least 18 years old


02. Visa

Applicants must hold a valid visa that allows legal work in the local area
(work and student visa are accepted, tourist visas are not accepted at this time)or status as PR or citizen


03. Vehicle (motorised)

1. Motorists are required to have a valid local Canadian driver's licence (G2 or G). Please refer to provincial government regulations for specific requirements.
2. Motorbike riders are required to have a valid Canadian local driver's licence (M1 or M2). Please refer to provincial government regulations for specific requirements.

04. Online Application

Download the DeliveryPanda driver application
from Google Play or Apple App Store.


05. Complete Application

We require copies of personal documents, such as passport signature page, driver's license copy, and other required documents


06. Start Delivering

After submitting all necessary documents and passing the verification process, you can schedule and attend training within 1-7 days.
Once training is completed successfully, you can start earning money.


Plus de 18 ans


02.Une pièce d'identité en cours de validité

Votre pièce d’identité. Sont acceptés :

Les cartes d'identité et passeports délivrés par un pays de l'Union Européenne

Les récépissés de renouvellement de titre de séjour accompagné, sur la même photo, du titre de séjour expiré

Les récépissés de première demande de titre de séjour seulement si accompagné d’un passeport

Les Visas français (sauf si mention “étudiant”)


03. Véhicules autorisés

Vélos et vélos à assistance électrique

Scooter ou motocycle (Carte d'immatriculation nécessaire)

04.S'inscrire en tant que coursier Téléchargez

notre application 'DeliveryPanda' sur GOOGLEPLAY ou APPLE APPSTORE.


05. Mettez vos documents en ligne

Avoir mis en ligne et validé les documents suivants :
Une preuve de l’existence de votre entreprise(Extrait de Kbis)
Une pièce d'identité en cours de validité
Une relevé d'identité bancaire(RIB)


06.Effectuez des livraisons

Dès que votre profil est activé, vous pouvez commencer à utiliser l’application DeliveryPanda

01.Hai un numero di partita IVA?

Abbiamo bisogno di sapere se hai un P.IVA.


02.Qual è il tuo mezzo di trasporto?

Biciclette, biciclette elettriche, motociclette


03. Hai permesso di soggiornoin Italia?


04. Ha esperienza come corriere?



Applicants must be at least 18 years old



Japanese Nationality, Spouse of Japanese National, Permanent Resident, Spouse of Permanent Resident, Permanent Resident, Student, Family Resident
(with permission for activities outside the scope of qualification).
・For the rest of the visa types, please contact your local delivery manager


3.1 Vehicle (non-motorised)

Purchased through legal channels and registered in your name.

3.2 Vehicle (motorised)
Driver's licence to match the planned delivery vehicle, vehicle insurance (self indemnity available)

04. Document

A certificate of identity that proves one's identity
(passport, personal identification card, driver's licence).
Foreigners must have a resident card) Health insurance card (National/Employee)


05. Online Application

Download the DeliveryPanda driver application
from Google Play or Apple App Store.


06. Complete Application

Fill all the information , submit the required ID 


07 Start Delivering

Expect to receive feedback in 3 business days after providing all required documents.


Applicants must be at least 16 years old



Applicants must be hold a visa that allows them to
work legally in the area or a resident visa



Qualified delivery personnel who hold an NZTA certified interpreter's driving document and
a valid full overseas driving licence will be able to deliver by car, motorbike or scooter if all other requirements are met.

04. Online Application

Download the DeliveryPanda driver application
from Google Play or Apple App Store.


05. Complete Application

We require copies of personal documents, such as
passport signature page, driver's license copy, and other required documents


06. Start Delivering

After submitting all necessary documents and passing the verification process,
you can schedule and attend training within 1-7 days.
Once training is completed successfully, you can start earning money.


Applicants must be at least 21 years



Applicants must hold a valid visa
that allows legal work in the local area


03. Vehicle (bike+ebike)

Vehicle (Motorized) 1. driving license 
Vehicle (Car) 1.driving license

04. Online Application

Download the DeliveryPanda driver application
from Google Play or Apple App Store.


05. Complete Application

We require copies of personal documents, such as
passport signature page, driver's license copy, and other required documents


06. Start Delivering

After submitting all necessary documents and passing the verification process,
you can schedule and attend training within 1-7 days.
Once training is completed successfully, you can start earning money.


Applicants must be at least 18 years old



Applicants must hold F2, F5, F6 or Korean nationality.
(F4, H2, D2 need to consult with distribution manager)



Have a valid Korean driver's licence.

04. Online Application

Download the DeliveryPanda driver application
from Google Play or Apple App Store.


05. Complete Application

Fill all the information , submit the required ID


06. Start Delivering

Expect to receive feedback in 3 business days after providing all required documents.


Applicants must be at least 18 years old


02.Work permit

Have a legal US work permit


03. Vehicle (if motorised)

Have a valid US driver's licence

04. Registered account

Download the DeliveryPanda rider APP to begin registration


05. Background Check

Complete a background check and submit the information


06. Start Delivering

After passing the background check, open an account and start delivering

01. Age

Applicants must be at least 21 years



Applicants must hold a valid visa
that allows legal work in the local area


03. Vehicle (bike+ebike)

Vehicle (Motorized) 1. driving license 
Vehicle (Car) 1.driving license 

04.Online Application

Download the DeliveryPanda driver application
from Google Play or Apple App Store.


05. Complete Application

We require copies of personal documents, such as
passport signature page, driver's license copy, and other required documents


06. Start Delivering

After submitting all necessary documents and passing the verification process,
you can schedule and attend training within 1-7 days.
Once training is completed successfully, you can start earning money.