Advertising Partnership

HungryPanda, the world's largest Asian food delivery platform, offers exceptional advertising opportunities targeting the overseas Chinese market.

Advertising Partnership

HungryPanda, the world's largest Asian food delivery platform, offers exceptional advertising opportunities targeting the overseas Chinese market.

Promote Your Business on HungryPanda


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    Contact Phone*


    Our Advantages

    The largest and most accurate Chinese advertising platform globally

    Our Partners

    01.Ad Space Display - Opening Screen Advertisement

     Mandatory exposure, 3 seconds per display, 24-hour full-day display

     Visible when users launch the app

     Full-screen display, can be linked to H5, website, store

     Extensive coverage, high authority


    Average daily click-through rate: 0.95%-1.68%
    02.Ad Space Display - First Screen Banner Advertisement

     Prominent position, wide coverage

     3 seconds per rotation, continuous and repeated display, 24-hour full-day display

      Can be linked to H5, website, store

     Can be indexed to the website, long dwell time


    Average daily click-through rate: 0.85%-1.31%

    look forward to
    collaborating with you

    Email: [email protected]